
Showing posts from December, 2020

Reflection Question (CCR)

 A music video is a short film. This short film integrates a song with visual imagery. The music video is based of a love song. In my music video the girl and the boy were plying the parts of a girl and a boy "in love". The most commonly used conventions are successful love stories or failed relationships. Almost every music video with the genre of music I chose, contains a type of romantic twist. I would say that this conventions wasn't challenged in my film.  My film represents the social group of teenagers living what some would a "teenage fantasy". Teenagers today have a different version of "love". My film represent what love is too them and what it should look like for everyone. They went to the beach, held hands, played in the water, had genuine laughs. This displays, to me, one of the most purest forms of love. My product mainly engages with people who are in love or just finding the meaning of love. My video conveys love in it's purest for...

Music video

 I'm really happy with the way my video came out. I feel like the song I pick was perfect for what was I  trying to achieve for this video. I can't decide which was more fun, filming or editing. Filming was obviously fun because I was with my friends. The editing part was also really fun because I got to watch the film and and do my magic with it. I feel like when it comes to editing its like a puzzle. If you put the pieces in the right place you see the bigger picture. I think editing is my favorite part. filming is fun, but editing is like adding the finishing touches. The feeling you get after editing is kind of rewarding because you get  to see your work come together. I think this would be great bonding experience with your friends. It's a fun activity and it teaches you new things about your friends and what the filming world is like. I genuinely enjoy this class. in the beginning we would get assigned assignments and I would be like "ughhh".But now I enjoy ...

Filming: The bond between friends

 Filming was so much fun. Its been a while since I've hung out with friends like that, so it was refreshing. I actually meet Dwana and Jontae through Ashleigh. Ashleigh and I are sister so we spend every breathing second together. sometimes that's a bad thing but its good vibe between us almost all the time. She's my sister so I have to love her and I do. Oh my gosh, recently we found out that her face unlocks my iPhone 11 pro. It was so funny because she always complains about how we don't look alike. Anyways, I'm currently a sophomore and last year was my freshmen year which is when I met them. I kind of already knew Dwana because her and Ashleigh have been best friends since middle school. I never really talk to her because that was Ashleigh's friend and I have TERRIBLE social skills. As I was saying, I meet them last year, and for a while I would just hangout with them because that's what Ashleigh was doing and like big sister, like little sister. Then I...