production: Where I'm at with editing...and other things
I haven't went to edit me film yet. at all. I'm not too pressed about it through because its due in two weeks. I'll get it done by then. hopefully. Anyways, My boyfriend took me on a surprise picnic date on Saturday. It was so fun. we got food from this "here an now" place in downtown Fort. Lauderdale. The fries were good. I also got wings. They were kind a spicy but it came with BBQ sauce on the side. I dipped my wing in the sauce until it ran out and then gave the rest to my boyfriend. He brought a bag soda and juice and I tried a new drink. It's really rare that I try new things because I think new thing are bad. I know, Not the best way to live life. We went to Victoria park, it was so nice there were kids running around but they were far enough away to not be annoying. We were there for probably 30 minutes then it started to ran, and I was NOT getting caught in no rain. WE finished eating so I told him to get the car and I would pack the stuff up. Then w...
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