Reflection Question (CCR)

 A music video is a short film. This short film integrates a song with visual imagery. The music video is based of a love song. In my music video the girl and the boy were plying the parts of a girl and a boy "in love". The most commonly used conventions are successful love stories or failed relationships. Almost every music video with the genre of music I chose, contains a type of romantic twist. I would say that this conventions wasn't challenged in my film.  My film represents the social group of teenagers living what some would a "teenage fantasy". Teenagers today have a different version of "love". My film represent what love is too them and what it should look like for everyone. They went to the beach, held hands, played in the water, had genuine laughs. This displays, to me, one of the most purest forms of love. My product mainly engages with people who are in love or just finding the meaning of love. My video conveys love in it's purest form. The music plays a big role in setting the mood. It a soft beat along with a soft voice. The song talks about a new profound love and being vulnerable to some with reciprocating feelings. This form of media can be distributed social media platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, etc. My production skills have definitely developed through this project. I say this because I have learned how to manage and work with new software such as iMovie and YouTube. I've taught myself how to work these software's and without this course I wouldn't know how to. The technologies I have integrated during this process has helped me a lot since couldn't have done anything without them or improved as much a I have don't during this process. When it comes to software's, I used iMovie and YouTube. When it comes to the hardware process I used my iPhone camera. My iPhone camera had very high quality and by using it, it helped me achieve the professional look I was going for. 


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