Music video

 I'm really happy with the way my video came out. I feel like the song I pick was perfect for what was I  trying to achieve for this video. I can't decide which was more fun, filming or editing. Filming was obviously fun because I was with my friends. The editing part was also really fun because I got to watch the film and and do my magic with it. I feel like when it comes to editing its like a puzzle. If you put the pieces in the right place you see the bigger picture. I think editing is my favorite part. filming is fun, but editing is like adding the finishing touches. The feeling you get after editing is kind of rewarding because you get  to see your work come together. I think this would be great bonding experience with your friends. It's a fun activity and it teaches you new things about your friends and what the filming world is like. I genuinely enjoy this class. in the beginning we would get assigned assignments and I would be like "ughhh".But now I enjoy it. I also like how the class is ran. For new assignments we go over it as a class and ask questions. Through the week, we log in for attendance, ask any follow up questions, then leave and work on our assignment. I like it because its straight to the point. I also feel like going it this way allows me to get more work done. A lot of the time in my other classes, my teacher gives us the greenlight to work, but then they start talking and I feel like I should listen to what their saying because what if it applies to me. This becomes a problem because its hard for me to work and take in information at the same time. 


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