Production: Getting closer to filming time
I talked to my manager about all the hours I wanted to work but I can only work 40 hours a week. I didn't know that their was a limit I guess. I'm going to end up splitting my hours so hopefully I'll have time to film. this coming Friday(tomorrow) we have softball practice but I'm going to try to convince my coach to cancel practice because we've played Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I'm tired. Ultimately I don't think we should practice or do something softball related everyday this week. Its draining. On top of that grades are closing and my grades are good but I'm sure others people grades aren't the best. I'm going to use that as another reason as to why we shouldn't have practice. I don't know if using that as a reason will make much sense but my coach isn't the smartest so maybe I can get it past him. Were going to practice today but if we practice Friday that will mean that we did softball everyday this week which could also mean people haven't had that much time to do school work. I think it'll work out. I plan on going to college for softball and I am very aware that will probably have practice everyday, but this is school ball. Its fun and all but I don't really care for it. On top of that are team isn't that good. Why would I give up a Friday to go to practice...Exactly...I wouldn't. Anyways, I would use this Friday to film and get everything out the way so I wouldn't have to do it over break. If I have to do it over the break, its not the end of the world. Do you every feel like you have so much to do and such little time...yea same. It's a little frustrating but I think that I'll be able to get it done. I am a problem solver after all:).
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