
Showing posts from March, 2021

Production: Finally watching the film

This is the first day back from spring break and I've slept through both 5th and 6th period...yeah. My spring break was surprisingly fun considering how much I worked. I found time to workout and hangout with my boyfriend so I'm a happy camper. I was really tired through, mainly because of work. Night shift is not my friend right now. Usually working night shift doesn't bother me but when you work it 4 days out the get to you. Getting off at 12 and sometimes even 1 the having to go back the next day can really burn you out. But I'm not complaining. Money is money right? Anyways, my pan was to finish this blog during 6th period, but like I said, I fell asleep. I woke up the last 20 minus and watch the videos we took. all I have to say is could've been worse. I think. When I was watching the videos, it lowkey took a while to watch. When we shot the videos we took them in longs takes, so it took longer then usually to watch them. I also started edit...

Production: The process that leads up to editing

Its been a couple days since we've filmed and I haven't edited the film yet. Matter a fact, I haven't even looked at the videos. I don't know if I should be scared or excited to watch them. I'm not saying I'm the best actress but I'm definitely not the worst. Do the videos portray depends on who you ask. I don't think Taylor did that bad either. But again I haven't watch the videos yet, so the world may never know.  One thing I editing in general is a process but the things LEADING UP TO EDITING is a PROCESS. Usually I'm really good at prioritizing my time when it comes to getting things done. I've been told that its an "admirable" trait of mine. Not to toot my own horn or anything(lol). I've been busy lately. It's the kind of busy where you plan one thing and something "comes up". Kind of like how Dwana planned to come to my house but then her dad had to go to the hospital. I had a game yesterday and I p...

Production: Finally filmed

I got the gang together and we finally filmed. I wanna say it was Saturday that we filmed. The day before I made sure that Dwana wasn't working or anything and she was. I figured out a time where we could film and no one would be late their other obligations. We filmed in the morning before me or Dwana had to work. Taylor had to babysit but that wasn't till 6 so we were good. I texted both girl the day before to be at my house at 9:30 which I thought was a reasonable time. Taylor came a bit early so we could go through the script a couple times. I probably should've sent the script to her awhile ago but I didn't. I didn't think that not sending the script to Taylor would be that serious because when I was writing the script I made sure to make it sound like how we usual sound. I wanted the film to sound has unscripted as possible. Taylor and I go over the script a couple times and the clock hits 9:30and Dwana wasn't at my house yet. Dwana literally lives walking...

Production: Getting closer to filming time

 I talked to my manager about all the hours I wanted to work but I can only work 40 hours a week. I didn't know that their was a limit I guess. I'm going to end up splitting my hours so hopefully I'll have time to film. this coming Friday(tomorrow) we have softball practice but I'm going to try to convince my coach to cancel practice because we've played Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I'm tired. Ultimately  I don't think we should practice or do something softball related everyday this week. Its draining. On top of that grades are closing and my grades are good but I'm sure others people grades aren't the best. I'm going to use that as another reason as to why we shouldn't have practice. I don't know if using that as a reason will make much sense but my coach isn't the smartest so maybe I can get it past him. Were going to practice today but if we practice Friday that will mean that we did softball everyday this week which could also...

Production: Spring break

Spring break is coming up soon so yay. At the same type, this also means the grade book is closing soon...not yay. Just kidding, My grades are pretty good.  This is the time I plan to film but I might have to change that. Filming should only really take 2 hours. My only issue is that I want to work a lot during spring break. Dwana, Taylor, and I all do school online. Taylor and I both play softball for our school so were always busy after school. Either we have a game or practice, which doesn't hep me out. Usually Dwana is also busy after school because she works a lot. The only time me and Taylor will have an off day is Friday but again, Dwana's probably gonna work. Me saying "I'm in a bit of a predicament" is an understatement. On op of that, Friday is only a guaranteed off day when we don't have a game. Usually our games are at 6:30, both home and away. The only time we would have 4:00 games is when their away games and the team we're playing doesn'...

Filming and Editing: Figuring out filming day

Filming is going to be a little tricky. I feel in this part of my project I tend to change a couple things. Usually when I film I change a few things up. For example, in my music video, my storyboard said it would be night time, but I decided to make it during the day because that's what worked best for everyone's schedule. I don't think the changed I made, or any of the changes in fact, have been that significant. Well, at least not significant enough to be questioned. For this project my pitch was supposed to be about a married women's husband dying in war, but now its a same sex marriage and one of the partners die in a car accident. I only changed my pitched because of my boyfriend because he was supposed to play the role of my "husband" and then backed out at the last minute. I don't think he would've been that great of an actor anyway...but you didn't hear that from me. He's very awkward and clueless...all the time. Anyways, my plan is to...

Filming and Editing: Editing my pitch

 Originally my pitch was for a guy and a girl. They were going to be married and then the husband would die in war. Later in the film the woman would get a call saying that her husband died and that's where the movie would end. Obviously my first thought was to find a guy to help me and play the role of the husband. In my past projects I used my sisters friend Jontae but I'm sure he's busy so I didn't want to bother him. Plus having to work around Dwana's schedule is a challenge as is because she works almost everyday. Also Jontae has a girlfriend "or something" and I'm sure he'd rather spend his time on her then be apart of my film. I sound kind of  bother by it but I'm not *Laughing Out Loud*. Anyways, I asked my boyfriend if he wanted to be in it and he said yes. He's the one that helped me come up with my pitch in the first place. A week after, he asked about it and I told him that this was serious and that he need to have his A1 acting...

Final Task: Title Design

 Name of the studio: DS. Washington Studio Name of the production: Rose production Actor names: Destiny Washington, Taylor Vecchione Film Title: "The Comeback"  Music by: FREE MUSIC Editing by: Destiny Washington Directed by: Destiny Washington Written by: Destiny Washington Story by: Destiny Washington Produced by: Destiny Washington Font Tone: I will only use one font( American type writer) Contrast Color- I will use black and red Working title: The title of my film will most likely be "The Comeback". It will be bold and in all caps ( EXAMPLE ) The title will appear on the screen(slide effect)during the opening sequence. The title will be on the screen for about 2 to 3 seconds The Names will be 3 sizes bigger then the titles. The title will be in black and the names will be in read. ( Example: Example )

Planning blog: Storyboard

This is my story board. I literally can not draw to save my life. It's so bad. I wish I was more creative. One of my friends can draw really well and I'm like "OMG you have to teach me.". I drew this ne picture and i have it hanging up in my room. Its a picture of a girl and I colored it in bright colors and it look really nice... to me at least. When I was younger, I wanted to know how to draw so I would go on YouTube and such up things to draw. I drew mostly cartoons.