Production: Finally watching the film
This is the first day back from spring break and I've slept through both 5th and 6th period...yeah. My spring break was surprisingly fun considering how much I worked. I found time to workout and hangout with my boyfriend so I'm a happy camper. I was really tired through, mainly because of work. Night shift is not my friend right now. Usually working night shift doesn't bother me but when you work it 4 days out the get to you. Getting off at 12 and sometimes even 1 the having to go back the next day can really burn you out. But I'm not complaining. Money is money right? Anyways, my pan was to finish this blog during 6th period, but like I said, I fell asleep. I woke up the last 20 minus and watch the videos we took. all I have to say is could've been worse. I think. When I was watching the videos, it lowkey took a while to watch. When we shot the videos we took them in longs takes, so it took longer then usually to watch them. I also started edit...