Genre Decision Blog

 I've decided that the genre of my opening sequence is going to be drama. I did some extra research on horror, thriller, and drama to make sure that I was going with the right genre. I went over all three PowerPoints to look at the characteristic of each genre. At first I thought thriller might be a good genre to use. Good thing I went back to look at the PowerPoint because my idea for my opening sequence would've been way off. I think drama is the best way to go because it delivers the type of emotional aspect that I'm going for. If I chose thriller it would've left the audience a little confused. Doing horror was definitely out of the question. My opening sequence is about a widowed after losing her husband...Nothing about that is screaming horror to me. Its a sad event that will hopefully make the audience feel a sense of sympathy towards the reader. Before my idea was just an idea. Film a lady getting a phone call saying her husband died at war. I am now starting to go more in-depth with it. I'm thinking in the beginning I'll do a short montage to show the relationship between her and her husband. Then he leaves her for war. They go back and forth for awhile on the phone. A little before he should arrive home, she'll get a call saying he past. The audience wont know what the call is about but she will look devastated. This will kind of leave the audience on a cliff hanger because they wont really know what's going on but they can assume that something bad happen.


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