
Showing posts from September, 2020

Intro Blog

       Hi there, my name is Destiny. I'm in tenth grade and I attended Fort. Lauderdale High School. I'm taking this class because in the future I would like to work as a film director. Right now my life consists of Family, Softball, and School. Online school isn't that bad. I actually enjoy it. No, I don't get to see my friends, but to be honest i didn't really have that many to begin with. Honestly being in school was kind of depressing. Every day felt the same. Wake up, go to school, got to practice, go to travel practice, get home, go to sleep, then do it all over again. I kept to myself most days. a lot of the time i wouldn't even eat lunch. I would go to the media center just to get some peace and quite. On the bright side my classes were never really that hard. I always got my work done and turned in early. I'd like to think that if your on time your late. I have 3 other sister that go to school with me, but I wouldn't see them during the day so...